Tuesday 16 October 2012

Malcom X - Dialectical Journal No. ONE!

     The foreshadow of his father's death by his mother as well as his own death, especially by violent means, is an interesting view on the story/autobiography. Granted, there isn't much room for literary elements such as this given its non-fiction nature, however it is interesting how it is thrown into the story, whether it was added by Alex or spoken by Malcolm X himself. If the latter is the case, then it begs the question, how intelligent was this man? Granted, the circumstances faced by African-Americans throughout his life were ones that more often than not involved hate and violence to gross extremes. Could he have known what he would amount to, could he have known the impact he would have, could he have known his fight was one so strong that it would be the death of him? It is likely that because of his father, it is a typical death of the black-man of the era and he included himself to a similar fate.

1 comment:

  1. Airk, good analysis here. Very nice insights into the text and the condition of African Americans at the time. I believe that by the time the book was being written Malcolm X foresaw his assassination.
