Tuesday 16 October 2012

Name Assignment

Write your whole name, or a nickname, and then jot down some ideas about it.  Are you named for someone?  Do you like your name?  Is there a funny story associated with you name, how it's pronounced, or how it's spelled?  Are there things you don't know about her name - why your parents gave it to you or what the word means?  Write those questions too.  Write quickly without stopping much to consider how you sound or where you're headed.  The idea is to get your initial thoughts on the page or screen where you can see them.

Airk Dane Cochran

Airk derives from old Irish/Gaelic language. A language that is uncommon, among the languages of the world that make up the tiniest of minorities.

Why was I named Airk? "Because it sounded cool," my mother stated bluntly. Contrary to what people tend to call me, which is often the two-syllable variant of what parents typically name children"Eric(k)", this single-word name seems more like an expression. An emotive sound of disgust, much like "Uck!" or a harsh "Argh!" Because of this, I don't really enjoy my name, although I appreciate it. It is nice to share a name with a remarkably small population (Perhaps 3-5 people? Haven't really googled my name...) it is a gross sort of sound, much like one you may find in some Australian Aborigine language. Thankfully, as previously mentioned, most people pronounce my name with two syllables and I think I prefer that. It isn't as rash or awkward, and it sounds more common, which is somewhat of the opposite of my mother's intentions.

My father had little say in the name choice. He regaled a time where the suggestion was brought up that I be named "Colin Montgomery Cochran", and at this point in my life, that might've been super awesome. It's so hard sometimes to know whether this man is joking or not though. If he was adept in coming up with names such as this, it is obvious why my naming was left up to the better half. In any case, Colin Montgomery to Airk Dane has saved me ink, finger cramps, and pencil lead in the long run. For this I am thankful.

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