Wednesday 22 August 2012

News Assignment ~ Norway

Norway Massacre Gunman gets a Prison Cell bigger than most New York Apartments

Sources: (Fox News, Sky News, &
Pictures (Along with Descriptions)


Other Article (More Pictures)

Anders Breivik on the right

     At around July 22, 2011 Anders Breivik was arrested for killing 77 and injuring an estimated number of 209 people. (Sollid) (

     "Those hoping Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik will spend the rest of his days in a cramped cell will be disappointed when he is sentenced on Friday." (Sky News)
     Indeed, he will in fact live pretty comfortably in a three-room private cell secluded from other prisoners. However, it is said that there is computer access, television, a treadmill, daily newspapers, and a private study. He was transported to the Ila Prison outside of Oslo, the site of a Breivik car-bombing that killed 8 people and wounded several more, on Wednesday, August 22nd; awaiting his sentencing on Friday the 24th. Each part of his three-room cell measures roughly 86 square feet and is only temporary. According to Prison officials, they hope to reach a point where they can transport Breivik into the other section of the institution and let him interact with the other inmates. It is there where he can gain access to a school, teaching Kindergarten through high-school classes, and advanced college-level courses. In addition, he will have access to a gym, a library, and a job at a prison store.
     That's the goal however, but experts are still trying to determine his mental stability, which may or may not lead to even more burdens for the prison system to handle. If deemed mentally insane, there will be an entire psychiatric ward built just for Breivik with up to seventeen staff members hired just to treat one man. 

     Granted this does not involve America, so my future tax-dollars and those of people I know and care for are not of concern. Nonetheless, I've never really been a proponent of allowing prisoners, especially mass-murderers, such amenities as overly-spacious living arrangements, let alone a computer and a treadmill. Children in less-fortunate parts of Norway would easily benefit from computers donated to the school systems, or exercise equipment to promote healthy lifestyles in Norwegian youth. To put it simply, the priorities appear to be in need of a rework. It needs to be straightened out, as Norwegian citizen Thomas Indreboe points out in the Sky News article, "To do that for just one person, when there are other things in Norway that need to be taken care of, like elderly care and roads and such things - The money could have been spent on other things."

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