Wednesday 22 August 2012

Précis Writing Assignment

In the essay I Want A Wife, (1972), Judy Brady claims that everyone should want a wife because the numerous duties they fulfill are seemingly endless. Brady emphasises this by listing off a bunch of stereotypical responsibilities of what wives are supposed to contribute to the home such as making sure "the children eat properly and are kept clean" (Paragraph 2) and "cook the meals" (Paragraph 3).  She employs long lists addressing the numerous duties of a common wife in order to express how the  expectations of them to be unrealistic and unfair. In doing so, Brady hopes that the audience can see the fault in society, and using humourous tone, perhaps change their views.

Group Précis

Individual One:
     In Judy Brady's essay I Want A Wife, published in 1972, the assertion is made that having a wife would be the ultimate benefit as they fulfill many needs, ranging from mundane to the absurd; "...I want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have written them." (5). Brady puts further emphasis on the lifestyle of a wife by epitomizing them to man-of-the-era's desired specifications, while stereotypical, the satire employed makes it a strong essay. High expectations and detailed obligations such as keeping "my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it." (4) are used in order to point out a flaw in logic within society that degrades women down to the role of a servant. In doing so, Brady hopes that both men and women can view the error of their ways and make educated opinions on the true role of a wife, making apparent the discrimination with the aid of satiric writing in an effort to encourage a difference.

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