Thursday 16 August 2012

The Ugly Troof About Beauty.

Read "The Ugly Truth About Beauty"
By Dave Barry

-Write two paragraphs
    1.) Discuss thesis, point of view, audience, and Purpose.

    2.) Response to the essay.

- Thesis, or the central idea of this article, seems to be that women are never satisfied with their outward appearance. This could be for a number of different reasons, in which Barry suggests could be societal factors such as media/celebrity status hyping up what the worlds deems "beautiful", as well as early-onset psychological factors as growing up, playing with Barbie who is the perfect woman.
    Dave Barry is the writer of this and tells his opinion/thoughts from a first-person standpoint.
    The audience is the general public, or in this case, the community of Miami (most likely Florida) circa 1998. The main purpose of the document is to entertain and explain reasoning in a humourous fashion, which is helpful that it was printed inside of a newspaper to reach such an audience so they can all enjoy it! :)

I personally thought this was pretty funny, yet it was pretty short. It was the first day of school when this was assigned and I'm more than thankful that we were asked to read a dictionary, but I would've enjoyed a little more content. I'm pleased that Barry mentioned the character "Buzz-Off" because I seem to remember to have an action figure of him. After quick searching in Google, it showed the bumblebee-esque dude that I remember. I don't remember doing much with him, perhaps I threw him at a wall or had him fight Captain America a few times. 

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