Tuesday 21 August 2012

Some Nice Vocabulary

Brazen - (adj.) Without shame, or made of brass.
"His brazen attitude was evidenced by him streaking at the football game last week."

Malaise - (n.) A condition of bodily weakness usually before a disease.
"The malaise of Old Man Wilson made his grandchildren sad because he could no longer play baseball in the backyard any longer."

Malodor - (n.) An unpleasant, stinky, smelly, foul odor.
"Citizens complained numerous times about the malodor rising from the downtown sewers!"

Poltroon - (n.) A coward.
"Jimmy ran from his class like a poltroon and was mocked incessantly the next day."

Conundrum - (n.) The Nun's Drum! A Problem, anything that puzzles one's mind/life.
"Airk's hamburger got stolen and although he was sad, he was determined to get to the bottom of this conundrum and bring justice upon those responsible!"

Baleful - (adj.) Full of contempt, influence by hatred and malice.
"The baleful style in which Manny stabbed his Top Ramen caused it to fly about the room and drench the entire tablecloth in noodle-juice."

Purblind - (adj.) Nearly blind, or lacking skills, deficient/obsolete.
"She didn't receive a call back from the employer as she was purblind and not well-suited for the workplace."

Maladroit - (adj.) Unskillful, awkward, and lacking common sense/qualities.
"The other elephants mocked Dumbo for his maladroit antics and his floppy ears, yet he is still revolutionized circuses everywhere."

Fusillade - (n.) A simultaneous discharge or mass firing of multiple guns or firearms.
"An argument in Congress is often compared to fusillade, with just as deadly results."

Paradigm - (n.) An example, a model, a standard for all others to be held up to.
"Scott was supposed to be the paradigm towards his younger siblings, and his father beat him mercilessly whenever his grades faltered."

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