Monday 10 September 2012

Chapter Three (Going to Add-On Soon)

Entering the Conversation

Instead of just going out and stating your opinion based on what you already know, writers are encouraged to draw from other authors and pick up as much knowledge as possible on the topic. Issues, locally to globally, have many viewpoints and one should get to know all sides + angles to better determine their stand. 

- Citing Sources
     This is what should always be done when research is involved. Citing sources helps develop a persuasive essay by giving the reader the location of your information, which can lead them to explore by themselves, while also appealing to ethos, as it makes it seem that you took the time to care and research a side you may not necessarily agree with.
- Facts
     Don't Lie! Lying is bad. These facts should be verifiable through the aforementioned sources. These add professionalism, give the reader a quantity to grasp onto to put your idea into relation, as well as make you seem smarter. It's always good to seem smart, and the facts that you add will help your argument within a persuasive essay, furthering your cause and likelihood of drawing others toward your side.
- Quantitative Data
     These are more or less facts, but statistical information; numbers and whatnot. Yet they can be more, such as graphs, trends, deep analytical variables that give more views upon a situation. 
- Expert Testimony
     This is where you get the opinion of someone who is trained in whatever it is you are discussing, whether they are a professor, have a PHD, or have worked many years in some field relating to your topic. It's always best to hear from them as it helps you as well as the readers understand some things while also appealing to your argument.

The chapter basically encompasses what we should be doing in our writing about current events. Staying on top of things, forming opinions, and gathering as much as we can to strengthen our position/opinion. 

This will lead to writing synthesis essays. 

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