Thursday 6 September 2012


NOW REVISED! (50% less sodium)   

     In Jonathan Swift's 1729 essay, A Modest Proposal, the notion of harvesting year-old human children is suggested as a solution to a nation's socioeconomic struggles. In depth, Swift explains the benefits, such as ridding the world of beggars, providing income for landlords who essentially 'own' the lower class, and allowing more food to go around for the rest of the country. He satirically proposes this in order to get the Irish people to think about what his mirrored persona is saying, challenging others to come up with a better alternative in order to promote a nation of self-sufficiency who can revive themselves from their situation. The audience should pick up the satirical tone of Swift's alter ego, yet realize and value the imperativeness of his words so that the people can prosper without continuing down the path of poverty and self-destruction.

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