Friday 14 September 2012

Essay on Community Service (Soon to be Re-Written)

     As we gaze upon the activity in the local soup kitchen, we can see the careful ladeling of a high school student; he gently pours the broth that will soon please the belly of a complete stranger. This student is not getting paid, or receiving any reward larger than a "Thank you!", so why would he/she partake in in this establishment? Well, you shouldn't feel obligated to receive anything, other than the knowledge that others will be better off because of your actions. People of all ages can give back and make their residence prosper along with their neighbours, and the earlier a person realizes this, the better! Should it be mandatory, especially for high school students in order to graduate? If we want a nation of selfless, generous individuals contributing to the growth of humanity, we should definitely consider the possibility!

     The stereotypical teenager, notably ages twelve to fourteen, are entering odd stages in their life and typically busy with sports, video games, or experimenting with mom's makeup. However, John Prueter of Essexville started his volutary work at this age, by helping the elderly. His duties are numerous as he regularly goes to help in "cooking and gardening, playing games with residents and just chatting with them." (Detroit News, pg. 77) Prueter continued for many years, and it is likely he won't be stopping anytime soon. John Prueter is a prime example of what we can expect from the next generation, safely knowing that we can trust them with the future.

     Community service not only gives confidence, helps those among you, and provides you with a positive reputation; it's great in the educational life! Those who are more willing to engage in community service are usually more keen in their studies. When asked in community service should be required for a diploma, 52% of kids with good grades agreed, as opposed to the 70% of children with poor grades, who disagreed. (Lopez, Mark Hugo, pg. 81)

     We want our kids to be smart, and getting them to do community service is just the thing for them to really set the bar high. As compliance to doing such volunteer work is good, colleges often look for students who have committed a lot of time to it! Willie Grotham of Washington-Lee Highschool start a service club to raise money for various causes and charities. He has a number of friends and peers involved who are really opening their opportunities up by participating. About his club, Grothman said, "All the college people I've been talking to have been fairly impressed." So it's apparent that putting yourself through volunteering, your life becomes more attractive to institutions.

     By giving our next-in-lines the proper attitude on helping out their fellow man...

- Finish the essay
- Fix highlighted words, for spelling and punctuation errors.
- Vary sentence structure; complex, periodic, cumulative, etc.
- Develop a more defined thesis statement + order of development
- Avoid using the word 'them' too often
- Eliminate all second-person 'you' instances.
- Perhaps a shortened hook.    

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