Tuesday 11 September 2012

News -

Before my article, you might/might not enjoy this.
Obama's Got Jokes

Obama Administration Endangered the Lives of Navy SEALs As Well As Their Families...

Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn


     The parents of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn have come out more and more over the past year about the predicament they faced over a little less than a year ago. Aaron Vaughn was a member of the team that found and killed Osama Bin Laden on May 1st, 2011; Vice President Joe Biden publicly identified the soldiers in an effort to congratulate them. However, this was not the smartest course of action, as the SEALs, well known for their secrecy and involvement in covert operations, were on high alert after Biden's announcement. Vaughn's parent state that he told them to delete everything they had on Facebook/Myspace pertaining to him or any of his friends in an effort to keep his identity safe along with his family. 
    One might not think that such security was compromised, yet in the grand scheme of war and terrorism, it doesn't take much. In fact, just three months after the announcement, (August 1st, 2011) Vaughn's helicopter was shot down, along with 16 other SEALS. 

I think that since I read the article and watched the video on the Fox News site, there was definitely some biased towards the Democrats and the Obama administration. It was quite obvious too, in fact this article was pretty much an accusation of the vice president jeopardizing nation security.

I began to ask myself, since this article deals with events that happened a year ago, why would fox news feature this on the front page with the 'EXCLUSIVE' brand across the top of the headline?
 I'd have to figure that Fox, wanting to push the Republican agenda, would hope that voters/readers would see this and realize Obama and his administration act to the detriment of America's safety. It is also pretty clever how they posted this on September 11th, a day where we reflect on all who were lost in the tragedy as well as those fighting to keep it from happening again. It strikes a patriotic chord within our hearts, and by posting an article about risking the lives of such servicemen/women, the Democrats (Obama specifically) are in the wrong. I will not be surprised if I see/hear a commercial or news bit about Romney or a Republican news source (other than Fox) using this story as a means to sway voters away from thinking about Barack.

1 comment:

  1. Airk - outstanding article and insight into the use of journalism as a political tool.
