Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sentence Syntax Work

Write sentences with the following structure:
Periodic, Loose, Parallel, Inverted Order, Interrupted Order.

Write the following types:

Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex.

Label Each.

Periodic Sentece:
"That day, even after he got kicked in the shins and fell into a pile of dry leaves, he still managed to get to work on time."
Loose (Cumulative) Sentence:
"Johnson just sold his bike, after bargaining with Frankie for over two hours in the front lawn, baking in the hot afternoon sun."
Parallel Structure:
"What is the purpose of having breakfast, what is the purpose of having lunch, what is the purpose of having dinner, why bother eating at all, it just makes us fat!"
Inverted Order Sentence:
"Over the mountain, walks Jimmy the Squire."
Interrupted Order Sentence:
"Lincoln--a man who proved himself in the arena as a true warrior--fell victim to the black plague."

Simple Sentence:
"The kitten listened to music."
Compound Sentence:
"The kitten listened to music, despite the neighbours banging on the walls."
Complex Sentence:
"Although the kitten listened loudly to her music, the police made her quiet the noise down."
Compound-Complex Sentence:
"Although the kitten was arrested, the kitten had no regrets, and the neighbours slept soundly for the remainder of the night."

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