Sunday 23 September 2012

Political People Study

~ Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
~ Mitt Romney   (Republican)
~ Barack Obama (Democrat)

Gary Johnson:
Mitt Romney:
Barack Obama:

VIEWS: (These are just basic points on several issues.
NM building twice as many 4-lane highways with no tax raise. 
Opposes Net Neutrality = no government regulation of Internet

Invest in nanotech and materials science.
Believes in investing in education and technology to advance society.
Believes that government has no role in "managing" the Internet. (SOPA/PIPA) 

Double funding for key research agencies.
Invest 3% of GDP in public & private Research & Development.
Increase funding for math and science research & education.
Hopes to rebuild the country's crumbling infrastructure.
13B stimulus funds to upgrade rail lines & build new ones.



Supports Death Penalty (States the he is willing to debate about it.) (This shows that he wants to hear from other sides, appealing to the opponent, thus making him more likable.)
Zero tolerance for violence against government employees.
Willing to legalize drugs to cut crime.
Supports Death Penalty
Supports "three-strikes" sentencing.

Against Death Penalty.
Hopes to ban racial profiling & eliminate disparities in sentencing.

Focus on prevention and states for Endangered Species.
No compromise on clean air, but no cap-and-trade.

Believes that Clean Air & Water Acts are significantly out of date.
Believes in states rights in regards to emission standards

Promotes green technologies and fuel efficiency standards

Believes laws regarding guns are ineffective.
Against gun control. Willing to ban assault weapons that potentially harm police officers.

States he wants to leave gun control up to states.
Respects 2nd Amendment, but endorses gun bans in local areas/governments.

Again, these are just some basic points about the views on the candidates, and this is more of a note format to help me later.

The candidate who I seem to agree with the most is Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. When I took the online quiz I agreed with the Libertarian Party 73%. (this is most likely who I will choose to do the oration about.)

I will hopefully also be adding to this throughout the week.

Things to think about:
- Larger Issues (Crime, Abortion, Gun Control. These aren't going to have a lot of body to them. Environmental concerns, foreign policy, etc. <--- the types of things needed in the oration.)

~ Personal Anecdotes/Personal Connections (Connect with townspeople. Focus perhaps on how issues and opinions affect Alaskans/Skagwegians/8th graders etc.)
~ Statistical/Quantitative Data
~ Expert Testimony
~ Logic within position/stance/claim
~ Reflection of another side(s)
~ Answer to "So what?" question. Why should the audience care, focus on pathos within conclusion.
~ Hook, thesis, order of development

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