Friday 9 November 2012

Appositive Exercises

OOOO = Appositive
OOOO = Word/phrase that accompanies it

1. My father, a truly exceptional man, worked at an ordinary job and was unknown outside the small town where he lived.

2. His rage passes description -- the sort of rage that is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy suddenly lose something that they have long had but have never before used or wanted.

3. W.E.B. DuBois saw the grandeur and degradation in the single unifying thought -- slavery was the West's tragic flaw; yet it was tragic precisely because of the greatness of the civilization that encompassed it.

5. Evidently I need this starting point -- the world as it appeared before people bent it to their myriad plans -- from which to begin dreaming up my own myriad, imaginary hominid agendas.

All added punctuation has been highlighted ORANGE.

1. Several West African countries; Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Cameroon, and Togo, were at some time in their history under colonial rule.

2. The mayoral candidate's rally opened to throngs of people -- an unusually large turnout for a cold, rainy day.

3. The British parliamentary system has two branches: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

4. My car is in the parking lot. It's an old blue station wagon with a dent in the fender.
"My car, the old blue station wagon with a dent in the fender, is in the parking lot." 

5. That call was from Bridget. She's the top student in my calculus class.
"That call was from the top student in my calculus class, Bridget."
"That call was from Bridget, the top student in my calculus class."
OOOO = Appositive 

6. Its hero is Scout's father, the saintly Atticus Finch, a lawyer who represents everything we cherish about justice and democracy and the American Way.
   (Further reinforcement of the positive qualities of Scout's father [while also giving a name] that will be described as his purpose/representation.)

7. The novel has a shadow hero, too, the descriptively named Boo Radley, a gooney recluse who becomes the occasion for yet another lesson in tolerance and compassion.

OOOO = Appositive

1. And on the basis of this evidence -- the moral and political evidence -- one is compelled to say that this is a backward society.
   (Describes exactly what evidence the assumption is being based on -- moral & political)

2. So to regard the young child, the young man, requires, no doubt, rare patience: a patience that nothing but faith in the remedial forces of the soul can give.
   (More description to the child, revealing his gender; and further description of the patience.


1. It appears that by judging the evidence gathered -- both at the crime scene and in the defendant's apartment -- we can assume that Grandma Thatcher was battered with a blunt object.

2. So to regard the panda bear, the baby panda, requires, no doubt, an exorbitant amount of bamboo: the fine bamboo that comes exclusively from Mongolia.

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