Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. FIVE!


Mr. Maynard Allen


Mr. Maynard Allen is the white man that works for the state who takes Malcolm to the reform school upon being ostracized from the previous schools. Allen is one of the few white people, particularly in this early stage of his life, that show kindness/compassion towards Malcolm.

However, this is not what is interesting about this character/person. What caught my attention was the statements he made to Malcolm. I know that there isn't much room for foreshadowing and literary elements in non-fiction, yet when he tells Malcolm that if he were to focus on his grades and apply himself, he could make something of himself. This is exactly what he does much later in life, which tells more about Allen than it does Malcolm.

The stories and accounts depicted thus far haven't shown a positive side for white people, yet this man knows that the blacks are not hopeless, even when in a position of state power (which is not where one would expect to see sympathy during this era) the hatred is missing.

1 comment:

  1. I like the fact that you noticed a positive view of white people. This also foreshadows the end of the book where Malcolm X changes his views on people (whites) and equal rights.
