Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. ELEVEN!


The whole story of Laura (Chapter 4) is very saddening. She was someone that showed promise, yet the culture that she had submerged in, the same Malcolm has been engaged in.

"The next time I saw her, she was a wreck of a woman, notorious around black Roxbury, in and out of jail. She had finished high school, but by then she was already going the wrong way. Defying her grandmother, she had started going out late and drinking liquor. This led to dope, and that to selling herself to men."

He has a long-lived guilt of being responsible for her turning out this way, and it is unfortunate that society could turn someone this way. As for Malcolm, this highly contributes to his growth and how he comes to terms with reality; even stating at the end of the paragraph that "The only excuse I can offer is that like so many of my black brothers today, I was just deaf, dumb, and blind."

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