Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. FOUR!

CHAPTER 2 ~ Page 25

"I passed behind his desk, snatched up a thumbtack and deposited it in his chair. When he turned to sit back down, I was far from the scene of the crime, circling around the rear of the room. Then he hit the tack, and I heard him holler and caught a glimpse of him spraddling up as I disappeared through the door..."

"With my deportment record, I wasn't really shocked when the decision came that I had been expelled."

The expulsion of Malcolm from the school, doesn't surprise him. I've yet to decide whether or not this is his thought as an adult or what he was thinking at the time of his exile. If the latter is correct, the social theme of racism is all to apparent and forefrontal in Malcolm's mind, as with every other African-American facing the struggles

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that this reflects his mind at the time of the expulsion.
