Wednesday 21 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. TWENTY-EIGHT!

CHAPTER 9 ~ Page 144

"I can give you a very good tip if you want to keep burglars out of your house. A light on for the burglar to see is the very best single means of protection. One of the ideal things is to leave a bathroom light on all night. the bathroom is one place where somebody could be, for any length of time, at any time of the night, and he would be likely to hear the slightest strange sound. The burglar, knowing this, won't try to enter. It's also the cheapest possible protection. The kilowatts are a lot cheaper than your valuables."

Why thank you! I'd like to know why this hasn't been taught to us in Life Skills yet???

This operation that this little group has got going seems to working very smooth. Yet this little bit is thrown in, once again, to engage the reader, making a little jovial aside so the reader doesn't feel left out. I am glad this was in here because:
   a.) It made me chuckle
   b.) It made me feel safe-ish
   c.) I wasn't ignored

Malcolm knows how to engage his audience, as should not be required to mention.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why this hasn't been taught in LIFE SKILLS.
