Wednesday 21 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. TWENTY-TWO!

CHAPTER 7  ~ Page 119

Malcolm begins to detail the nitty-gritty of Harlem; the part of town where the big name politicians and Ivy Leaguers went to indulge in satisfying their desires. They chose Harlem, yet didn't want anyone to know of what they were doing there, as the exorbitant amount of blacks were quite the  reputation killers.

However, the reason I chose this description is because it connects well with James Baldwin's comparison to Sodom and Gomorrah. The underground scene in Harlem fits well with what Baldwin said, a culmination of lust and sin all around. "Harlem was their sin-den, their fleshpot. They stole off among taboo black people, and took off whatever antiseptic, important, dignified masks they wore in their white world.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - this is a good connection and perhaps an accurate one.
