Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. NINE!

CHAPTER 3 - Page 49

"The main thing you got to remember is that everything in the world is a hustle."

Malcolm taking Freddie's job as the shoeshine boy takes an interesting turn as he is taught the intr

icacies of the business and how to make a steal of his own while on the job. Laundering out towels and selling them to men coming out of the bathroom for a nickel for example. The menial job of shoeshine boy has been uplifted to new heights with the knowledge Malcolm imparts from Freddie.

The fact that this is done shows the culture of the big dance halls and what the people were getting in to.


  1. Oh Jeez...

    There shouldn't be such a big gap in the middle. The word is intricacies.

    "The fact that this is done shows the culture of the big dance halls and what the people were getting in to. This was likely common for Negroes to get ahead as mentioned before they were allowed easy access into well-paying professions. Stooping this low may be the wrong wording, but it has created an underground subculture within the business including the drug dealers, rich whites, band members, pimps, and prostitutes."

  2. Good! This is definitely one of the more interesting sections of the book. Malcolm's insider view into the world of crime shows that he is worldly - important for his later life as an orator!
