Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. EIGHT!

CHAPTER 3 - Page 41

"I roamed everywhere. In one direction, I walked as far as Boston University. Another day, I took my first subway ride. When most of the people got off, I followed. It was Cambridge, and I circled all around in the Harvard University campus. Somewhere, I had already heard of Harvard--though I didn't know much more about it. Nobody that day could have told me I would give an address before the Harvard Law School Forum some twenty years later."

I feel that throughout the dialectical journals and the reading, I'm picking up the off-putting, tyrannical vice racism had on the blacks of this time. The connections I'm making with the subject matter are typically Malcolm's journey overcoming the adversity of society and becoming an outspoken man -- a voice of passion for a just cause.  This passage, particularly in the last couple of lines are exactly the thing I'm looking for.

No one could tell him that twenty years down the line, that he would be giving a speech in front of the Harvard Law School Forum. In the current, he has just entered high school, and is living in Boston with Ella after just having a falling out with the previous school. He couldn't quite put his finger on what happened, but he was left unmotivated, with little ambition stating that engaging in class was a laborious chore. To contrast this with the future, where he is delivering an address in front of a large crowd, he is empowering a nation of people to act for what they deserve --- an end to the oppression that has plagued since birth. It is easy to see why this book has inspired as many people as it did (and may continue to do??).

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