Wednesday 21 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. TWENTY-FIVE!

CHAPTER 9 ~ Page 134

"The reefers gave me a feeling of contentment. I would enjoy hours of floating, day dreaming, imaginary conversations with my New York musician friends.

Could it be? Has Malcolm X hit rock bottom?

But the name of the chapter is 'Caught' so I'm not quite sure what is going to happen. (/end sarcasm)

The description of his situation and attitude intruige me. He aspires for a state of constant euphoria and is moving into a true stereotypical 'stoner' type man. Sleeping and smoking, not much else to it. For whatever reason, I'm slightly connecting Malcolm's status with that of John Frusciante (Previous guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers) at one point.

John Frusciante joined the band as a fan a little while after they gained slight mainstream success. However, the new found fame because of his influence on their style caused them to hit it big! Naturally, this lead to drugs (heroin as opposed to 'the reefer') and it grew to a point where Frusciante quit the band  for a bit. It is my understanding that at this point, he holed himself in a run-down house where he followed Malcolm's footsteps -- getting high all day, not doing much/large-scale, lethargic behaviour, and lots of sleep.

I suppose Frusciante's success in the music business is linked to Malcolm's up and coming through the life of crime and hustling. I'm just making a connection here, and Frusciante has had successful rehab and rejoined the band for a good number of years, whereas Malcolm X has gone out of jail and became the man we know for making civil rights speeches and getting all them Harlemites to vote!

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