Wednesday 21 November 2012

Malcolm X - Dialectical Journal No. TWENTY-FOUR!

CHAPTER 8 ~ Page 132

"Everything was building up, closing in on me. I was trapped in so many cross turns. West Indian Archie gunning for me. The Italians who thought I'd stuck up their crap game after me. The scared kid hustler I'd hit. The cops. For four years, up to that point, I'd been lucky enough, or slick enough, to escape jail, or even getting arrested. Or any serious trouble. But I knew that any minute now something had to give."

Exactly, it's good that he came to realize this, as many probably didn't and kept getting deeper and deeper until they wound up on death row or lifeless in an alleyway with a needle in their arm.

He's certainly right about the fact that all of these things are building up fast. He is about to get crushed with all the pressure from outward stressors and he could very well get shot when he least expects it. Perhaps this could serve as not really a foreshadow, but a proof or statement. As we find out later, or already know, that Malcolm eventually does receive jail time and by proclaiming his correctional facility virginity, it can be implied that it doesn't really matter, as all of those in this walk of life will be behind bars at one point or another. (???)

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