Tuesday 20 November 2012


Malcolm X and James Baldwin - Compare!

     Malcolm X and James Baldwin, two men who share similar aspects of life, but I suppose I'll get the obvious out of the way first. They were both black, both preachers, both writers! 

     Seriously though, both men were quite intelligent. This could've boded well for the entire African-American community had they all shared this characteristic (That sounds more racist on the screen than it did in my head O_O ). Malcolm eventually hypes up his audience, getting them out to vote; "It's gotta be either the ballot or the bullet!" Baldwin alludes to his own experiences and events to the self-destructive nature of racial hatred, and by doing this, perchance hopes to promote change in thinking. It can be said that both are providing fuel to a body of people to act, whether to stand up for themselves, or to secure inner strength, so as to not commit any more self-harm than has already been done by society via influence.   

1 comment:

  1. True - this is what they are both doing. You got to love somebody - at least - yourself. This is were Zora fits in as well.
